Burrator Parish Council
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Thursday 20th July 2023
At Sheepstor Village Hall
Councillors present: Cllrs Paskins, F Glanville, Palmer, R Glanville, Milne, Brunsdon, Stribley, Scrivener and Wills
Also present: Katharine Griffiths (Parish Clerk) and three members of the public.
Absent: Cllrs Radmore and France.
The meeting was opened by the chair Cllr F Glanville at 7.40pm
- Apologies for Absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Radmore and France.
It was noted that Cllr Radmore will return to meetings from September.
- Declarations of Interest.
None to declare.
- To consider nominees for Co-option
There were no nominations for co-option,
- Minutes of the Full Parish Council Meeting held on 29th June 2023
The minutes were agreed as an accurate record and signed.
- Matters arising from the Minutes 29th June 2023
Cllr F Glanville raised that a road closure for the road by Burrator Discovery Centre had been received. It is appreciated the difficulty this causes for local residents.
It was proposed that a proactive role should be taken and the PC consulted prior to road closures being granted. The clerk will contact the relevant bodies to see if the council can be consulted.
- Planning Committee
There were no application to consider.
Cllr Scrivener raised the issue as to whether we are notified of determinations.
The clerk commented that we received some but not all. The clerk will see if there is an alert that can be sent. Cllr Scrivener mentioned that the out come for a recent development at Sparkatown was interesting and it was worth having a look at.
- Finance & General Purposes Committee
- Bills for Payment
It was proposed by Cllr R Glanville , seconded by Cllr Scrivener and agreed by the council that the circulated list of bills would be paid.
Payments to be made:
Payment | Amount |
Payroll | £822.60 |
Walkhampton Hall Hire | 20.00 |
P Harvey, ground maintenance | 600.00 |
Inland Revenue Tax Return | 1400.25 |
Meavy Parish Hall Hire | 24.00 |
TOTAL | £2866.85 |
- Bank reconciliation
The bank reconciliation will be provided at the next meeting.
- To agree delegation of authorisation of payments for August.
The payments will be circulated to all and to be agreed by the Chair and chair of finance. The payments will be processed on line by the clerk and authorised by Cllr Brunsdon.
- Burrator Events
Nothing Further
- Burrator Beacon – http://burrator.gov.uk/burrator-beacon/
The new editor has taken over now. The clerk has been in contact and they seem to be getting on well. The clerk will contact the editor with regard to distribution for delivery.
- Reports from outside bodies
- WDBC report
Cllr West attend and gave an update with regard to the key issues.
Some business from the last administration is still being completed.
Housing is a priority Both in terms of build and the housing crisis. There is a need to ensure that the housing stock is up to spec. Unfortunately there seems to be a trend for housing associations to be selling off properties. There is a focus on the cost of living and supporting low income families. There are various grants available and it is a matter of identifying who needs them.
Connectivity and broadband are still an issue that is being considered. It is appreciated that Sheepstor has particularly bad service and this will be looked into. Unfortunately, the options are limited.
Speed limits in rural areas are also a concern and options are being looked at to lower limits in various areas.
Andrea Roberts the local Ranger introduced herself and gave an update.
The issue of wild camping was in the High Court recently, but a judgement is not expected until late summer.
Money has been secured for providing security marshals over the summer to patrol honey pot areas. They were used last year and they have been affective.
Andreas details will be circulated to councillors.
- Parish Property
The clerk requested to purchase more defibrillator pads if they are required for the unit at the Burrator Inn, an alert was received saying it may have been used.
Cllr Stribley mentioned that the bins on Meavy Green are getting broken at the bottom and whether this was caused when they are emptied.
Grit bins were also discussed, the clerk will follow up the purchase of the three new bins also put the item on the next agenda.
- Highway matters
Feedback is still required from the highways officer.
- Correspondence
Nothing Further
- Pursuant to Section 1(2) Public Bodies [Admission to Meetings] Act 1960, to resolve to exclude the public and press due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
- The Royal Oak Inn Committee
The following was proposed by Cllr Scrivener, seconded by Cllr F Glanville and resolved by full council.
- a) To appoint Vickery Holman as the letting agent to market a new lease for the Royal Oak Inn to commence after the current lease expires.
- b) To appoint Chilcott’s as the legal representative to prepare a new lease in preparation for marketing the property.
- c) To seek advice from Chilcott’s with regard to the liquidation of Moorbars Ltd. and how it may affect the council.
- To resolve re-admittance of public and press to the meeting.
- Urgent additional business, by leave of The Chair
Cllr Palmer commented that around 150-200 oak saplings have been grown from acorns from the Royal Oak at Meavy. It is hoped one will be a successor to the current tree. A new home will be required for the saplings early next year.
The Meeting was closed at 21.17.