
Minutes from the Full Council meeting 24th November 2022

Minutes Uploaded on March 9, 2023

Burrator Parish Council

Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council

held on Thursday 24th November 2022.

At Meavy Parish Hall


Councillors present: Cllrs Paskins, Radmore, Crewe, Wills, F Glanville, Palmer, Stribley, Scrivener and Milne


Also present: Katharine Griffiths (Parish Clerk).

Absent:  Cllrs Brunsdon, Balkwill, France and R Glanville

 The meeting was opened by the chair Cllr F Glanville at 7.30pm

Apologies for Absence.

Apologies were received from Cllrs Brunsdon, Balkwill, France and R Glanville

  1. Declarations of Interest.

Cllr R Glanville declared an interest with regard to Dartmoor National Park Authority planning matters.

 Minutes of the Full Parish Council Meeting held on 27 October 2022

An additional heading will be put in item 4 to indicate that it is concerning 1 New Cottages, Meavy. Other than the one change it was proposed by Cllr Palmer, seconded by Cllr Wills that the minutes were agreed as a true record, this was resolved by the council

 Matters arising from the Minutes 27 October 2022

Planning Matters – application 0193/22, 1 New Cottages, Meavy, Single storey side extension to dwelling for ancillary residential accommodation has been approved with conditions by DNPA.

It was agreed to write to DNPA to seek clarification regarding their policy on planning applications concerning solar panels. As it was felt that recent planning decisions did not make it clear and made it difficult to offer advice to parishioners.

Highways Matters – there are still a number of highways matters outstanding that have been reported to the DCC Neighbourhood Highways Officer. It was agreed to write monthly with a list and of outstanding and new issues.

  1. Planning Committee

0446/22 – Erection of timber post and rail fence, including siting of four pallet water tanks, Memorial Hall, Walkhampton, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 6JN (Walkhampton)

The application was discussed it was proposed by Cllr Stribley that the proposal was supported, this was seconded by Cllr Milne and agreed by the council.

  1. Finance & General Purposes Committee
    1. Bills for Payment

It was proposed by Cllr Scrivener, seconded by Cllr Wills and agreed by the council that the circulated bills would be paid.

A list of the payments is below.

Payment Amount
Men for all Seasons £366.00
Meavy Hall Hire £56.00
Moorprint (BB printing) £395.58
K Batson ( BB editor) £200.00
Payroll £949.41
HMRC PAYE Tax and NI £292.61
TOTAL £2259.60
  1. Bank reconciliation

The bank reconciliation was noted.

  1. Grant request.

Carried forward to next meeting.

  1. To consider the proposed budget for 2023/24.

The budget that was proposed by the finance committee, and had been circulated was agreed.

  1. To agree the proposed precept for 2023/24

The finance committee proposed a precept request of £5500 be put to West Devon Borough Council. It was proposed to agree this by Cllr Scrivener, seconded by Cllr Stribley and agreed by the council.

  1. Burrator Events

It was noted that a night run was due to take place around Burrator in the near future.

  1. Burrator Beacon –

The next issue will be the Winter issue.

  1. Reports from outside bodies

Cllr Stribley and the clerk had met with SWLT to discuss the issue of dog waste. SWLT will look at the signs they have and will possibly renew some of them. The general advice is for dog waste to be picked up and taken home or if in a suitable area stick and flick.

Cllr Scrivener reported that the Sheepstor Village Hall committee had commented that he parish council didn’t seem to be using the hall very much. The clerk will ensure that there are more meetings scheduled there next year.

  1. Public Relations

Nothing further.

 Parish Property

  1. Defibrillator Maintenance

All are working fine.

  1. Update on Wildflower Areas

The contract is being updated and will be circulated for tenders.

  1. Community Led Parish Plan update.

It was suggested by Cllr F Glanville that a meeting be held between the relevant parties to move the plan forward and hopefully get it published.  The clerk has contacted the community members who are keen to work with the parish council to get the plan finalised.

It was proposed by Cllr F Glanville that the clerk organise a meeting and a small working group to pull together the plan.

The hard work of the community members is much appreciated.

 Highway matters

SWLT offered a “No Parking” sign at the east end of the dam, Cllr Scrivener asked that they be reminded about the sign.

A DNPA post has been sawn off at Knowle Down. The clerk will report it.

A letter has been received with regard to weight limits and narrow road signs not being observed by vehicles coming from Clearbrook into Hoo Meavy.

The clerk updated that Buckland Monachorum PC will be contacting the highway officer concerning the matter. It was requested that Burrator PC be added to the request.

  1. Correspondence

Nothing Further

  1. Pursuant to Section 1(2) Public Bodies [Admission to Meetings] Act 1960, to resolve to exclude the public and press due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.


  1. The Royal Oak Inn Committee

Matters concerning the Royal Oak Inn were discussed. It was agreed that the clerk would write concerning opening times.

It was agreed to hold a ROI committee meeting on the 8th December following the planning meeting.

 To resolve re-admittance of public and press to the meeting.


  1. Urgent additional business, by leave of The Chair

Nothing further.

The Meeting was closed at 21.36pm.