
Minutes for Full Council Meeting 27th October 2022

Minutes Uploaded on April 3, 2023

Burrator Parish Council

Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council

held on Thursday 27th October 2022.

At Meavy Parish Hall


Councillors present: Cllrs Paskins, Radmore, R Glanville, Ayres, Crewe, Wills, F Glanville, Brunsdon, Balkwill and Palmer


Also present: Katharine Griffiths (Parish Clerk).WDBC Cllr Moyse and DCC Cllr Sanders


Absent:  Cllrs Stribley, Scrivener, Milne and France.


The meeting was opened by the chair Cllr F Glanville at 7.30pm


  1. Apologies for Absence.

Apologies were received from Cllrs Stribley, Scrivener, Milne and France


  1. Declarations of Interest.

Cllr R Glanville declared an interest with regard to Dartmoor National Park Authority planning matters.


  1. Minutes of the Full Parish Council Meeting held on 29th September 2022

There were a few minor amendments and clarification of one point. Following the amendments, the minutes were agreed as a true record and signed by the chair of the meeting.


  1. Matters arising from the Minutes 29th September 2022

Planning  – Cllr Palmer attended the Development Management meeting at DNPA for 1 New Cottages,  Meavy  as Cllr Stribley was unwell. DNPA are now arranging a site visit and the application will be determined at a further meeting on the 4th November,

Cllr Brunsdon has visited Oakhurst, Lake Lane with regard to their planning application that was refused by DNPA.

DCC Highways have agreed to undertake a speed survey on Burrator Road.


Cllr R Glanville left the room for Item 5.


  1. Planning Committee

0404/22 Single storey extensions to the North and West elevations, 8 Leat Close, Dousland, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 6NU

The application was discussed it was proposed by Cllr Brunsdon that there were no objections to the proposal, this was seconded by Cllr Paskins and agreed by the council.


It was proposed by Cllr R Glanville that site visits be undertaken by two councillors, this was seconded by Cllr Balkwill and agreed by the council.


  1. Finance & General Purposes Committee
    1. Bills for Payment

It was proposed by Cllr R Glanville, seconded by Cllr Wills and agreed by the council that the circulated bills would be paid.


A list of the payments is below.

Payment Amount
Men for all Seasons £594.00
Meavy Hall Hire £27.50
PKF Littlejohn External Auditor £360.00
AWL – ROI Alarm repair £93.00
K Griffiths Wages and expenses £718.50
HMRC PAYE Tax and NI £140.60
VAT return July – Sept £1364.10
TOTAL £3297.70


  1. Bank reconciliation

The bank reconciliation was noted.


  1. To agree the internal auditor for 2022/23

It was agreed that Account-ant would undertake the internal audit for 2022/23.


It has been previously discussed that Cllr Brunsdon is currently the only councillor that is able to authorise online payments. It was proposed by Cllr Balkwill that Cllr R Glanville become a second signatory, this was seconded by Cllr F Glanville and agreed by the council.


  1. To agree for the council to register with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

It was proposed by Cllr Brunsdon that the council sign up to the ICO, seconded by Cllr Balkwill and agreed by the council.


  1. To consider signing the NALC “Civility and Respect” Pledge.

A discussion was held and it was proposed by Cllr Balkwill that the pledge be signed, seconded by Cllr Ayres and agreed by the council with 5 votes for and 2 against.


  1. Website issues.

There has been a delay on the minutes being published on the website and it states that they are draft. The clerk apologised for the delay on uploading the minutes and explained that the minutes have been left as draft as they are unsigned copies. The clerk is more than happy to delete the “draft” if it is felt this is causing confusion.

There have also been a few issues with the website being hacked recently. The current provider is located in New Zealand and it was suggested that it was looked into updating the website and providing email addresses for all councillors.


  1. Burrator Events

None to note at this time.


  1. Burrator Beacon –

The next issue will be the autumn issue.


  1. Reports from outside bodies

Cllr Sanders gave an update from DCC. The budget is critical at the moment. However they have allowed the councillor locality funding to be applied for again.

With regard to DNPA there is a special meeting on the 11th November to discuss the bylaws. Any additional changes will go out to consultation again. The meeting starts at 10am.

The park is also in a serious financial situation that may see a loss of jobs. There has been a flat rate in the budget for the last few years and it is not possible to continue at that rate.

Cllr Moyse updated that there is a DNPA forum on the afternoon of the 11th November.

WDBC will be discussing the parliamentary boundary changes on the 11th November.


  1. Public Relations

Nothing further.


  1. Parish Property
  2. Defibrillator Maintenance

All are working fine.

Cllr Paskins raised an issue that there was an incident at a recent Warm Welcome event at Walkhampton Hall and concern had been raised that members of the public did not know how to use the defibrillator.

It was explained that the machine would talk them through the process. Cllr F Glanville offered to arrange training for a small group.


  1. Update on Wildflower Areas

Consideration will need to be given to the areas for next year. Meavy (but with no fencing) and Walkhampton Green will stay the same. Huckworthy will be cut and kept shorter.

It is likely the contract will need to go out to tender.


  1. Community Led Parish Plan update.

The information from DNPA regarding finalising the plan will be forwarded to the relevant community members.


  1. Highway matters

The carpark at Walkhampton Hall is moving forward, options for resurfacing are being looked into.

Campervans in Walkhampton are becoming an issue when they are parked on blind bends, could double yellow lines be considered.

The clerk reminded councillors to check grit bins to see if they required topping up.


  1. Correspondence

Nothing Further


  1. Pursuant to Section 1(2) Public Bodies [Admission to Meetings] Act 1960, to resolve to exclude the public and press due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.



  1. The Royal Oak Inn Committee
    1. To include a proposal to increase the rent.

Following a recent ROI committee meeting a discussion was held around whether there was a possibility that the council could increase the rent. The clerk has contacted a local solicitor and the response was discussed. Some further questions were raised, and the matter will be discussed at the next full council meeting.


  1. To resolve re-admittance of public and press to the meeting.



  1. Urgent additional business, by leave of The Chair

Nothing further.


The Meeting was closed at 21.46pm.


Signed                                                                  Date