Burrator Parish Council
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Thursday 25th January 2024
At Walkhampton Memorial Hall
Councillors present: Cllrs Paskins, F Glanville, Palmer, Wills, Milne, Stribley, R Glanville and Radmore
Also present: Katharine Griffiths (Parish Clerk)
Absent: Cllr France,
The meeting was opened by the chair Cllr F Glanville at 7.30pm
- Apologies for Absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr France.
- Declarations of Interest.
None declared.
- Minutes of the Full Parish Council Meeting held on 30th November 2023
There was one addition on item 4. The clerk apologised for not having finished the paragraph.
It was proposed that the minutes were agreed as an accurate record, with one minor amendment and signed this was agreed by the members present.
- Matters arising from the Minutes 30th November 2023
Burrator Events – the clerk will chase up highways concerning events and road closures around Burrator.
The clerk will follow up regarding the logging at Burrator reservoir.
- Planning Committee
No planning matters to consider.
- Finance & General Purposes Committee
- Minutes from the meeting 11th January 24
Cllr R Glanville ran through the minutes of the meeting and these were agreed.
- Bills for Payments
It was proposed by Cllr R Glanville, seconded by Cllr Wills and agreed by the council that the circulated list of bills would be paid.
Payments to be made:
Payment | Amount |
Walkhampton Hall Hire | £34.50 |
Meavy Parish Hall – Hire | £64.00 |
Sheepstor Hall Hire | £25.00 |
Sheepstor PCC – Cemetery Maintenance | £436.68 |
- Bank reconciliation
The bank reconciliation was noted.
- To consider a recommendation of a precept request of £25,000, the request needs to be submitted to WDBC before the end of January 2024.
The budget had been discussed at the Finance Committee and a recommendation of a precept of £25,000 was proposed. This was proposed by Cllr Burbage seconded by Cllr Wills and unanimously agreed.
- Burrator Events
It was agreed to write to Highways and SWLT will be contacted with regard to a proposal for an alternative option rather than closing the road when events occur.
- Burrator Beacon – http://burrator.gov.uk/burrator-beacon/
A few of the distribution volunteers have stepped down and replacements are being sought. Posters will be put on the noticeboards.
The next edition is due out at the beginning of March.
- Reports from outside bodies
The relevant representatives from outside bodies will be invited to attend the next full council meeting.
- Parish Property
Cllr Wills requested an update on the reinstatement of the railings at Meavy. Cllr Plamer updated that they were ready to be re-installed and this would be done soon. Offers of help were made to assist.
- Highway matters
Cllr Palmer reported an issue at Sheepstor that is causing difficulties, the road has been closed and it is a long diversion around. The repairs have been scheduled and a road closure notice received. Cllr Palmer requested that Devon County were written to, expressing the discontent of the residents of Sheepstor and requesting that the work is carried out as soon as possible and for residents to be provided with a date for the work. It was agreed the clerk would write.
Cllr Wills commented that there are a number of cattle grids that need emptying, these were reported at the commoners meeting. He will forward the locations for the clerk to report.
- Correspondence
Information concerning flood resilience in community assists and has been circulated to the relevant councillors in Walkhampton. The information can be passed to the relevant organisation.
- Pursuant to Section 1(2) Public Bodies [Admission to Meetings] Act 1960, to resolve to exclude the public and press due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
Agreed, no members of the public present.
- The Royal Oak Inn Committee
Cllr Wills gave an update on the current situation. The new tenant is settling in well.
The alarms should be fixed and back up and running by the end of Friday.
- To resolve re-admittance of public and press to the meeting.
Agreed. No person re-entered the meeting.
- Urgent additional business, by leave of The Chair
Cllr Wills raised a question with regard to the Facebook page now that Cllr
Scrivener has stepped down. It was suggested that Alice was approached to see if
she would be willing to manage the page and the councils social media.
- Dates of next meeting.
15 February Walkhampton Village Hall Planning – 7.30pm
29 February Walkhampton Mem Hall Full Council – 7.30pm
The Meeting was closed at 20.50
Signed Date