From the Clerk:
Katharine Griffiths, 5 Hillside Close, Buckland Monachorum, PL20 7EQ
Telephone: 01822 852907
website: email:
The Council is summoned to meet at
Walkhampton Memorial Hall
Thursday 18th May 2023
at 7.30pm
For the purpose of transacting the business detailed below.
In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, members of the public and press are welcome to attend.
Members of the public are invited to make representations in writing to their local Councillor or the Clerk or in person prior to the commencement of the meeting proper.
- Apologies for Absence
- Declarations of Interest
- Election of Vice Chair
- To consider nominees for Co-option
- Nominations to Committees & Outside Bodies
- Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 27th April 2023
- Matters arising from the Minutes 27th April 2023
- Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on 9th May 2023
- Matters arising from the Minutes 9th May 2023
- Planning Committee
- 0182/23 LBC Replacement of external door in the porch section of Church House at Church House, Walkhampton, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 6JY
- Finance & General Purposes Committee
- Bills for Payment
- Bank reconciliation.
- Insurance renewal
- End of year accounts 2022/23 sign off :
- To approve the end of year bank reconciliation for submission with the Annual Return 2022/23
- To approve the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1) of the Annual Return 2022/23
- Approve the Accounting Statements (Section 2) of the Annual Return 2022/23
- Burrator Events
- Burrator Beacon
- Reports from outside bodies
- Borough Councillors Report
To note the rearranged election date for Burrator Ward is Thursday 15th June.
- Other reports
- Parish Property
- Highway matters
- Correspondence
- To consider the ballot for Parish Members to Dartmoor National Park Authority
- To note a request for a member to attend a meeting concerning traffic issues when the A386 is closed being organised by Horrabridge PC
- Pursuant to Section 1(2) Public Bodies [Admission to Meetings] Act 1960, to resolve to exclude the public and press due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
- The Royal Oak Inn Committee
- To resolve re-admittance of public and press to the meeting.
- Urgent additional business, by leave of The Chair.
Members unable to attend are requested to notify the chair or myself.
Signed:…K Griffiths.…………………………..Clerk to the Council. Dated: 11th May 2023