Burrator Parish Council
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Thursday 30th March 2023
At Walkhampton Memorial Hall
Councillors present: Cllrs Paskins, Radmore, Wills, F Glanville, Palmer, Stribley, Scrivener, France and Milne
Also present: Katharine Griffiths (Parish Clerk) and 15 members of the public.
Absent: Cllrs R Glanville, Brunsdon, Crewe, F Glanville, Stribley, Balkwill and Ayres
It was agreed that as neither the chair nor vice-chair were present Cllr Scrivener would chair the meeting.
Open session:
Three members of public spoke against the proposal to enhance the Helen Rowett Memorial Garden at Dousland. Concerns were raised that the trees would be felled. They did not feel that the sign needed replacing. In general they felt that the garden should not be changed and was used by the community as intended by Helen Rowett.
One member of the public spoke in support of improving the area as a community space. They highlighted that the proposal did not suggest any fundamental changes and that there were no plans to fell any of the trees. It is the only community space in Dousland and its social value should be realised.
The meeting was opened by the chair Cllr Scrivener at 7.55pm
- Apologies for Absence.
Apologies were received from Cllrs Brunsdon, Balkwill, Stribley, Crewe and R Glanville.
- Declarations of Interest.
Cllr France declared a personal interest in item 20.
- Minutes of the Full Parish Council Meeting held on 23 February 2023
There was a spelling mistake in paragraph 7e. The clerk will clarify the points made in item 15. It was proposed by Cllr Wills, seconded by Cllr Palmer that the minutes be accepted as a true record, this was agreed by the members present.
- Matters arising from the Minutes 23 February 2023
Discussed under the main agenda.
- Planning Committee
No applications to consider.
- Finance & General Purposes Committee
- Bills for Payment
It was proposed by Cllr Scrivener, seconded by Cllr Milne and agreed by the council that the circulated bills would be paid.
A list of the payments is below.
Payment | Amount |
Payroll | £968.19 |
KG reimbursement Defib pads | £69.54 |
Meavy Parish Hall Hire | £64.00 |
Total | £1101.73 |
- Bank reconciliation
The bank reconciliation was noted.
- To agree the updated asset register (Circulated)
It had been noted that the two benches in the Helen Rowett Memorial Park had not been put on the asset register, the register has been amended accordingly and the update was agreed.
- To note that a grant has been awarded by WDBC for Coronation events to be held in Sheepstor and Meavy.
The clerk submitted application forms for the two events and these have been approved. Sheepstor and Meavy will both receive a £500 donation towards the Coronation events they are holding.
- To discuss the Snow Warden scheme and the possible location of new grit bins.
The matter was discussed, it was felt that there were a number of locations that would require grit in the winter months, this could be supplied by grit bins or bags.
There had been a suggestion by the Highways officer that black dustbins could be used to store the grit bags at suitable locations, possibly the village halls. It will be looked into forming a small group of people from each location to coordinate and decide on the best way of supplying grit.
- To consider a proposal to enhance the Helen Rowett Memorial Park, Dousland.
The councillors had been provided with the proposal and relevant correspondence regard the matter. Cllr Milne had visited the area to have a look and expressed that she did feel that there was a compromise to be had between the community members. Cllr Palmer was of the same opinion. Cllr Scrivener commented that he was the chair at the time the land was bequeathed to the parish council. Great consideration was given to its use and the area should be used by the community for quiet reflection and as a place to meet with others. The council carry out the ground maintenance during the summer months. Cllr Scrivener stated that no work in the area should be carried out without the permission of the council.
As it was felt that there was a compromise it was suggested that the relevant community members get together to come to an agreement and then come back to the parish council.
- To consider the format of the Annual Parish Meeting.
Cllr Palmer commented that it had been discussed that the format of the Annual Parish Meetings be changed. On reflection he didn’t think this was a good idea. Cllr Scrivener said that in previous years an Annual Parish Meeting was held in each village on the same night one after the other. However, these were not very well attended.
The clerk commented that the Annual Parish Meeting is due to be held on the 20th April at 7pm in Walkhampton Memorial Hall. This is on a different evening to the Annual meeting of the Parish Council.
- A reminder with regard to the election paperwork.
The clerk reminded councillors that the people that are nominating them need to live with the ward for which they are standing. If clarification is needed, please ask the clerk. The forms need to be submitted to WDBC by 4pm, 4th April 2023.
- Burrator Events
Nothing to be discussed.
- Burrator Beacon – http://burrator.gov.uk/burrator-beacon/
It has been queried as to whether councillors can put articles into the Burrator Beacon. Cllr Scrivener has checked, and any member can request an article is published. Previously councillors used to write articles on a regular basis.
- Reports from outside bodies
- Public Relations
It was proposed by Cllr scrivener that there was no longer a need for Public Relations to be a standing item on the agenda. It was agreed that the item would be removed and matters discussed when needed.
- Parish Property
Nothing further.
- Parish Plan.
A meeting has been held to discuss the way forward. It was agreed that the community would collate the documents into one publication and draw out the relevant information.
It was agreed that the item would be removed from the agenda as a standing item until after the document had been completed.
- Highway matters
A productive meeting was held with the Neighbourhood Highways Officer and Cllr Sanders. The outstanding issues were discussed and the Highways Officer is looking into what can be actioned. The Highways officer also met separately with Cllr Scrivener to discuss issues in Sheepstor. It is hoped that this will mean that some of the current problems will be resolved in the near future.
- Correspondence
- To consider correspondence received concerning rats in Dousland.
Correspondence has been received with regard to a large number of rats in Dousland. The matter was discussed, and it was felt that the matter should be dealt with by WDBC Environmental Health department. There are many factors that can contribute to the presence of rats and unfortunately, they are prevalent in rural areas and difficult to eradicate.
- Pursuant to Section 1(2) Public Bodies [Admission to Meetings] Act 1960, to resolve to exclude the public and press due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
This was resolved and all members of the public still present left.
- To consider an application for the new editor of the Burrator Beacon.
The clerk has received one application for the position. The applicant was discussed and it was agreed that the council would be very pleased for them to take on the role. It was also agreed that they will be remunerated for the forthcoming issue.
- The Royal Oak Inn Committee
The next meeting will be on the 13th April.
- To resolve re-admittance of public and press to the meeting.
This was resolved no member of the public re-entered.
- Urgent additional business, by leave of The Chair
Nothing Further
The Meeting was closed at 20.55pm.
Signed: F Glanville Date 27/04/23