Burrator Parish Council
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Thursday 26th October 2023
At Walkhampton Memorial Hall
Councillors present: Cllrs Paskins, F Glanville, Palmer, Brunsdon, Radmore, France and Wills.
Also present: Katharine Griffiths (Parish Clerk), 8 members of the public and WDBC Cllrs West and Viney.
Absent: Cllrs Scrivener, Milne, Stribley and R Glanville
Before the meeting started proper a member of the public spoke with regard to the Royal Oak Inn, all present were reminded that maters pertaining the Royal Oak Inn were being dealt with under a confidential section due to the confidential nature of the business.
The meeting was opened by the chair Cllr F Glanville at 7.35pm
- Apologies for Absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from Scrivener, Milne, Stribley and R Glanville
- Declarations of Interest.
None to declare.
- To consider nominees for Co-option
There was one nomination for co-option, the nominee gave a brief description of himself and why he would like to join the council. They were asked a few questions, and a vote was held. It was agreed that Charles Burbage would be co-opted onto the council for Walkhampton and Dousland ward. The necessary paperwork will need to be completed and the clerk will forward the necessary information and arrange for the paperwork to be signed at the next full council meeting.
- Minutes of the Full Parish Council Meeting held on 28th September 2023
The minutes were agreed as an accurate record, with one minor amendment and signed.
- Matters arising from the Minutes 28th September 2023
The clerk has spoken to TSB and has the paperwork to add additional electronic signatories, this will be completed at the Finance meeting.
- Planning Committee
0432/23 Extension of the working plan area of existing active quarry – Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission 0348/15, and consequential amendments to other conditions, to allow the continuation of approved operations to 3rd May 2042, Yennadon Quarry Iron Mine Lane, Dousland, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 6NA.
A discussion was held, it commented that the extension would have a major impact on Dartmoor National Park. It was felt that any continued quarrying should be back field and restored as soon as possible and as the work progressed.
Cllr F Glanville proposed that the development was supported on the condition that the moorland was reinstated to its original condition as work progressed this was seconded by Cllr Wills, this was agreed with 6 for and 1 against.
- Finance & General Purposes Committee
- Bills for Payment
It was proposed by Cllr F Glanville, seconded by Cllr Wills and agreed by the council that the circulated list of bills would be paid.
Payments to be made:
Payment | Amount |
HMRC PAYE tax and NI | £164.39 |
Walkhampton Hall Hire | £20.00 |
VAT Payment | £1541.80 |
Chillcotts ROI Interim Invoice | £3000 |
P Harvey – Ground Maintenance | £600.00 |
WDBC – Bin Emptying | 95.47 |
- Bank reconciliation
The bank reconciliation was noted.
- Burrator Events
Nothing further.
- Burrator Beacon – http://burrator.gov.uk/burrator-beacon/
The editor is open to suggestions for any articles for the Beacon.
- Reports from outside bodies
WDBC Cllr West gave an update from WD. The council have voted to apply for the bronze level in The Defence Employer Recognition Scheme and appoint a Member to become a spokesperson for this worthy cause, to support their ongoing commitment to the armed forces. WD will be doing all they can to support care leavers and this will include reduced council tax.
WDBC is currently reviewing governance arrangements in Okehampton and Sydenham Damerel. More information can be found here:
There is a new phase of funding to allow a feasibility study for the railway line from Tavistock.
There is currently a consultation out with regard to council tax reductions.
Further news can be found at: https://www.westdevon.gov.uk/news
A meeting has also been held with South West Lakes Trust and they are happy to attend a parish council meeting to discuss on going issues.
The DCC mobile library service is in jeopardy at the moment and discussions are being held as to its future.
Cllr Viney commented on the aims and aspirations moving towards net zero. Different options need to be looked into. https://www.climatechange.westdevon.gov.uk/
- Parish Property
Cllr Wills updated that one of the benches on Meavy Green will be replaced at no cost to the council.
- Update on Grit Bins,
The clerk has requested the purchase of the grit bins through DCC but has not received any confirmation. The clerk will continue chasing.
- To consider the planting of oak saplings from the royal oak tree at Meavy
Deferred to the next meeting.
- Update with regard to the Parish Plan.
The parish council have received an updated consolidated Community Led Parish Plan, the plan and the appendices have been circulated to the councillors.
The council wish to extend their thanks to all those involved for their time and hard work putting the documents together.
It was proposed by Cllr Palmer that the plan was endorsed by council, this was seconded by Cllr Wills and agreed by the council.
- Councillor Training
Cllr Milne has booked onto the DALC Good Councillor training.
If anyone else would like to do any training, please go to the DALC website and register. There is a selection of training both in person and remote. Councillor training is paid for by the council.
- Highway matters
A response from the highways officer has been received regarding a few of the issues raised earlier in the year. The hedge at Huckworthy has still not been cut and this will be passed back to the highways officer. He has also replied directly to Cllr Scrivener regarding issues in Sheepstor.
Cllr Brunsdon commented that a road closed sign has been left behind following road works in Loverton.
- Correspondence
Correspondence has been circulated.
- Pursuant to Section 1(2) Public Bodies [Admission to Meetings] Act 1960, to resolve to exclude the public and press due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
Agreed the members of the public left.
- The Royal Oak Inn Committee
It was resolved that the prospective tenant proposed by the ROI committee following the interviews was agreed.
Cllr Palmer requested a recorded vote.
For: Cllrs Paskins, F Glanville, Palmer, Radmore, France and Wills.
Against: None
Abstain: Cllr Brunsdon.
It was resolved that the current lease for the ROI would not be extended.
Cllr Palmer asked for a recorded vote.
For : Cllrs Paskins, F Glanville, Palmer, Radmore, France and Wills.
Against: Cllr Brunsdon
Abstain: None
It was resolved that the drafted statement would be put on the website.
- To resolve re-admittance of public and press to the meeting.
Agreed. No person re-entered the meeting.
- Urgent additional business, by leave of The Chair
Nothing further.
The Meeting was closed at 21.53
Signed Date