Burrator Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Thursday 30th May 2024
At Walkhampton Memorial Hall
Councillors present: Cllrs Paskins, and R Glanville, France, F Glanville, Palmer, Stribley, Radmore and Milne
Also present: WDBC Cllr West and Katharine Griffiths (Parish Clerk)
Absent: Cllrs Wills and Burbage
The meeting was opened by Cllr F Glanville at 7.30pm
- Election of Chair – to include signing the declaration of acceptance of office.
Cllr Stribley proposed Cllr F Glanville to be chair, this was seconded by Cllr Milne and agreed by the members present.
Cllr F Glanville was elected as chair for the forth coming year.
- Election of Vice Chair
Cllr Stribley proposed Cllr R Glanville to be vice-chair, this was seconded by Cllr France and agreed by the members present.
Cllr R Glanville was elected as vice-chair for the forth coming year.
- Apologies for Absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Wills and Burbage.
- Declarations of Interest.
None declared.
- Nominations to Committees & Outside Bodies
Cllr F Glanville proposed to leave the co-option of additional members to the ROI committee to a future meeting. This was agreed.
Cllr R Glanville offered to share the role of Snow Warden with Cllr Stribley.
The other committees will remain the same.
- Minutes of the Full Parish Council Meeting held on 25th April 2024
The meeting was not quorate and therefore the minutes represent the discussions had and no decision making. The minutes were agreed as accurate.
- Matters arising from the Minutes 25th April 2024
The drop-in session has been held for the Helen Rowett Garden, Cllr Paskins attended and said it was all harmonious.
Highways are still being chased with regard to the road closure for the Burrator 10k event.
- Planning Committee
- 0203/24 Garage entrance alterations to 2 garages fronting Merrivale View Road, Dousland, Yelverton
It was proposed by Cllr R Glanville, seconded by Cllr Stribley that the application be objected to on safety grounds. This was agreed by the members present.
- 0202/24 Replacement rear single storey extension, replacement windows and doors, installation of solar PV panels, proposed detached garage with external parking, and hardscaping works at 1 Church View, Walkhampton, PL20 6JS
It was proposed by Cllr F Glanville that the proposal was supported by the council as the development will alleviate parking issues within Church View, this was seconded by Cllr R Glanville and agreed by the members present.
- 0199/24 Excavation of soil to insert a low profile potable water tank at Agricultural Field (2259) Adjacent To Lovaton Brook, Yelverton,
It was proposed by Cllr Stribley, seconded by Cllr France that there was a neutral view on the application. This was agreed by the council.
- Finance & General Purposes Committee
- Bills for Payments
It was by Cllr R Glanville, seconded by Cllr Milne and agreed by the members present that the circulated list of bills would be paid.
The list of payments had been circulated to all the councillors and no objections raised.
Payments to be made:
Payment | Amount |
Beacon Editor | £225 |
Ground Maintenance P Harvey (May 24) | £629.98 |
DALC membership | £535.19 |
Meavy Hall Hire | £48.00 |
Insurance renewal | £656.81 |
- Bank reconciliation.
The bank reconciliation was noted.
- Insurance Renewal
The insurance renewal was agreed.
- End of year accounts 2023/24 sign off :
- To approve the end of year bank reconciliation for submission with the Annual Return 2023/24
The Bank Reconciliation was agreed and signed by the chair.
- To approve the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1) of the Annual Return 2023/24
The statement had previously been circulated and was agreed and signed by the chair. As one councillor had not seen the paperwork it was agreed that if any councillor had any issues that the clerk should be informed before 15th June. Approve the Accounting Statements (Section 2) of the Annual Return 2023/24
The statement had previously been circulated and was agreed and signed by the chair. As one councillor had not seen the paperwork it was agreed that if any councillor had any issues that the clerk should be informed before 15th June.
- The Royal Oak Inn Committee
A meeting was held on the 15th May and Cllr Stribley took the minutes.
Repairs to the ROI were discussed. Including a repair to the back door. Further quotes are being obtained.
The disposal of the broken electrical items was discussed and it was agreed that Cllr Wills will store them until they can be disposed of. This will get them out of the property. Assistance to remove them will be given by the tenant and a number of councillors offered to help.
It was agreed that the other electrical goods would be left in place, but the tenant would be expected to replace them as and when needed.
It was agreed by the full council that the chipped crockery can be disposed of.
- Review of the Annual Parish Meetings.
This year the three annual parish meetings were held separately, it was agreed that although three meetings in a week is a lot, it worked reasonably well. Parishioners from Walkhampton and Sheepstor attended but sadly no one in Meavy attended.
It was agreed to hold three separate meetings again next year.
- Burrator Events
Community members will be asked how the 10k event and road closure went and whether they have any further comments.
- Burrator Beacon – http://burrator.gov.uk/burrator-beacon/
No new distributors have come forward yet. It will be advertised that the council need volunteers to deliver.
It was agreed that it was going well.
- Reports from outside bodies
- Borough Councillors Report
Cllr Chris West gave an update what the Devolution deal means for West Devon and also the Freeport.
WDBC have a new Mayor and the Wildlife Officer is now in post.
- Parish Property
The clerk will ask the grounds maintenance contractor to cut the bushes back around the bench at Redhill.
- Highway matters
The clerk reminded members about the DALC connect event on 5th June.
- Correspondence
Cllr F Glanville has had an enquiry regarding planning application 0218/23, as it hasn’t currently been determined. It was agreed the clerk would contact DNPA planning to make enquiries as to what has happened.
The clerk has received an email enquiring about allotments, their details will be passed to Cllr France to go on the Walkhampton Waiting list.
It was agreed to nominate the two representatives to the Sheepstor Welfare Trust.
- Urgent additional business, by leave of The Chair
Nothing Raised
- Dates of next meeting.
Next full council meeting will be on Thursday 27th June at Walkhampton Community Hall, 7.30pm
Signed Date