Burrator Parish Council
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Thursday 28th September 2023
At Walkhampton Memorial Hall
Councillors present: Cllrs Paskins, F Glanville, Palmer, R Glanville, Milne, Brunsdon, Stribley, Radmore and France.
Also present: Katharine Griffiths (Parish Clerk) and no members of the public.
Absent: Cllrs Scrivener and Wills.
The meeting was opened by the chair Cllr F Glanville at 7.30pm
- Apologies for Absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Scrivener and Wills.
- Declarations of Interest.
None to declare.
- To consider nominees for Co-option
There were no nominations for co-option,
- Minutes of the Full Parish Council Meeting held on 20th July 2023
The minutes were agreed as an accurate record and signed.
Cllr F Glanville gave his apologies to Cllr Brunsdon concerning a misunderstanding regarding a photo and press article.
- Matters arising from the Minutes 20th July 2023
The clerk will follow up the matter concerning Burrator Road Closures.
Cllr R Glanville suggested that he would be able to plant some of the saplings from the Royal Oak at Meavy. The clerk was requested to put this on the next meetings agenda.
- Planning Committee
0415/23 Demolition of existing garage structure and replacement with new garage, New Park, Meavy, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 6PU
The above application was considered, it was proposed by Cllr Palmer that there were no objections this was seconded by Cllr Stribley and agreed by the council.
- Finance & General Purposes Committee
- Bills for Payment
It was proposed by Cllr R Glanville , seconded by Cllr SMilne and agreed by the council that the circulated list of bills would be paid.
Payments to be made:
Payment | Amount |
K Griffiths Wages and expenses | £663.60 |
HMRC PAYE tax and NI | £164.19 |
PKF Littlejohn, External Audit | £252.00 |
ROI – Insurance | £2111.87 |
Meavy Hall Hire | £24.00 |
P Harvey – Ground Maintenance | £600.00 |
TOTAL | £3815.66 |
- Bank reconciliation
The bank reconciliation was noted.
It was also noted that more online signatories are required. The bank are making it difficult to set up. The clerk will investigate and hopefully have the forms for the next meeting.
- Burrator Events
The clerk will request that the council are consulted prior to road closures being authorised by DCC.
- Burrator Beacon – http://burrator.gov.uk/burrator-beacon/
The editor did an excellent job of her first edition, many thanks to Alice for her hard work.
Cllr Paskins reported that there had been a few issues with the distribution of the newsletters to the people delivering them. It was also requested that copies are put through letterboxes and not left on doorsteps.
- Reports from outside bodies
None to be given.
- Parish Property
A couple of the benches on Meavy Green require a plinth/foot rest to stop deep ruts underneath, Cllr Stribley proposed that costings were obtained for the next meeting this was seconded by Cllr Radmore and agreed by the members present.
Cllr Paskins reported that the noticeboard at Walkhampton had some damage to the Perspex possibly caused by a lighter or a type of solvent.
- To include agreeing to purchase three grit bins through DCC.
The clerk has requested an update from the highways officer with regard to the proposed positions for three new grit bins, that were discussed at a meeting in March and an up-to-date cost.
It was proposed that the bins were purchased by Cllr Radmore, seconded by Cllr Milne and agreed by the members present. Cllr Brunsdon will see if there is a suitable location for a grit bin in Loverton and will let the clerk know.
- Highway matters
Cllr Palmer mentioned that the gullies in Sheepstor had been cleared by a digger that had caused damage.
There will be road works at the cattle grid on the B3212 on the 10th October.
The visibility from Church View is bad due to the overgrown hedge.
Access in and out of The Leat from Knowle Terrace is still very difficult. The clerk will contact Live West with the concerns.
- Correspondence
The clerk has received an email with regard to hedgehog highways, information will be put in the Burrator Beacon.
- Pursuant to Section 1(2) Public Bodies [Admission to Meetings] Act 1960, to resolve to exclude the public and press due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
- The Royal Oak Inn Committee
A number of expressions of interest have been received, interviews will take place on the 10th October.
There are a number of questions that need resolving with regard to staff and the inventory, this is being looked into and advice sought.
- To resolve re-admittance of public and press to the meeting.
- Urgent additional business, by leave of The Chair
Nothing further.
The Meeting was closed at 20.55